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The Surrey Heartlands Health and Care Partnership is one of the more evolved models of regional commissioning. It has a significant focus on listening to people and taking their views into account for future planning. Surrey Heartlands offers the opportunity to co-design health and social care service improvements through citizen-led engagement and communications.
Surrey Heartlands Health and Care Partnership
The partnership:
- consists of health and care organisations, working together
- has changed decision making from national to local level
- brings organisations who plan and provide services together to work in collaboration with local people
- focuses on the social determinants of health – such as housing, education and the environment
- designs services around patients and sets consistent standards
- develops wider partnerships with local councils, faith groups, volunteer groups, the community sector and local business to tackle health and mental wellbeing
- looks at root causes of poor health
- improves services to create change that will have a lasting effect on generations to come.